Future Dreams – Chapter 2

Focus Mode

What if you had to tell someone the most important thing in the world, but you knew they’d never believe you… what would you do?

I’d try… you never know what someone might believe.

Dialogue from the film Déjà Vu starring Denzel Washington & Paula Patton

Prologue to 2nd Chapter

It began several decades ago, shortly after completing my undergraduate studies, when the thought of writing – and the specific subjects of interest – came into my consciousness. I remember there were four books I envisioned writing at some time. The subjects were some I believed would not only be of interest to many others, as most were easily relatable, but could also provide a value through the questions raised and discussed.

Still being young and admittedly somewhat innocent, or what others might call naive, I desired to change the world for the better, and felt doing this work might in some way achieve that purpose. The subject matter within this book is one of those four original concepts, and it has been coalescing in my mind since it first appeared there.

I recall the instance when the year (2018) of the subject event occurred to me. Unlike other occasions when I would have these premonitions, pre-visions or precognitions, it was not something which carried with it an emotional response as well. The emotional component came into being once one of these “visions” or “dreams” came to be. Much of that may have been due to a limited amount of experience and/or such experience with events of a more than ordinary significance.

I can provide other examples when this occurred, but they are beyond the scope of this brief and limited prologue to the 2nd edition, and must wait for another opportunity. If you happened to come across the 1st edition of this book, you will recall this chapter previously titled: “2018: The Big One”. Now, for reasons which are obvious, that title is no longer appropriate. I believe the new title: “2019: The Big One Revisited” will prove to be more accurate.

The original purpose for projecting an accurate date when “The Big One” (the long overdue, extreme seismic movement of the southern portion of the San Andreas fault) would occur was, minimally, two-fold: the positive benefit to the affected population; and, to show it could be done. For the longest time after the year “2018” came to my awareness, I felt the year alone would be sufficient enough of a timeframe to be beneficial. Some seven years later I would find myself living and working in the Los Angeles area, where I stayed for nearly 15 years. It quickly became obvious to me by then (if not sooner) that in order for this idea of an accurate prediction to truly be beneficial, it would be required to be as accurate as possible. Even down to the exact day and time, if possible.

When the event (“The Big One”) failed to occur within the parameters specified by my projection, it was difficult to imagine exactly why, after having held this belief for so long. Besides chalking it up to a massive long-term delusion, I tried to keep an open mind and allow whatever reason(s) there were to become clear.

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